साधना साधक बनने से प्रारम्भ होती हे

Girish Jha MA, BS, APA (member), RYT-500 40+ years of teaching, training, research, mentoring people – diplomats, technocrats, engineers, doctors, students. Evolve and help everyone to evolve Girish Jha, has been teaching, mentoring, and promoting wellness for patients seeking proven results without the reliance (and costs) associated with pharmaceuticals. He has been offering services in […]

मन को शुद्ध करे, अभीप्सा करे, गंतव्य की और चले

Girish Jha MA, BS, APA (member), RYT-500 40+ years of teaching, training, research, mentoring people – diplomats, technocrats, engineers, doctors, students. Evolve and help everyone to evolve Girish Jha, has been teaching, mentoring, and promoting wellness for patients seeking proven results without the reliance (and costs) associated with pharmaceuticals. He has been offering services in […]

बिना ज्ञान के श्वाश-ध्यान ऐसे, जैसे बिना सीखे कार चलाना

Girish Jha MA, BS, APA (member), RYT-500 40+ years of teaching, training, research, mentoring people – diplomats, technocrats, engineers, doctors, students. Evolve and help everyone to evolve Girish Jha, has been teaching, mentoring, and promoting wellness for patients seeking proven results without the reliance (and costs) associated with pharmaceuticals. He has been offering services in […]

Talk- मन की शुद्धि के बाद , समझ से भक्ति ध्यान

Girish Jha MA, BS, APA (member), RYT-500 40+ years of teaching, training, research, mentoring people – diplomats, technocrats, engineers, doctors, students. Evolve and help everyone to evolve Girish Jha, has been teaching, mentoring, and promoting wellness for patients seeking proven results without the reliance (and costs) associated with pharmaceuticals. He has been offering services in […]

साधना के लिये साधक बनाना क्यों आवश्यक हे

Girish Jha MA, BS, APA (member), RYT-500 40+ years of teaching, training, research, mentoring people – diplomats, technocrats, engineers, doctors, students. Evolve and help everyone to evolve Girish Jha, has been teaching, mentoring, and promoting wellness for patients seeking proven results without the reliance (and costs) associated with pharmaceuticals. He has been offering services in […]

सफलता के लिए साधक बने और साधना को जारी रखें -१ चार -साधन

Girish Jha MA, BS, APA (member), RYT-500 40+ years of teaching, training, research, mentoring people – diplomats, technocrats, engineers, doctors, students. Evolve and help everyone to evolve Girish Jha, has been teaching, mentoring, and promoting wellness for patients seeking proven results without the reliance (and costs) associated with pharmaceuticals. He has been offering services in […]

सफलता के लिए पहले साधक बने , फिर साधना करे

Girish Jha MA, BS, APA (member), RYT-500 40+ years of teaching, training, research, mentoring people – diplomats, technocrats, engineers, doctors, students. Evolve and help everyone to evolve Girish Jha, has been teaching, mentoring, and promoting wellness for patients seeking proven results without the reliance (and costs) associated with pharmaceuticals. He has been offering services in […]

सफलता के लिए साधक बने और साधना को जारी रखें -१ चार -साधन

Girish Jha MA, BS, APA (member), RYT-500 40+ years of teaching, training, research, mentoring people – diplomats, technocrats, engineers, doctors, students. Evolve and help everyone to evolve Girish Jha, has been teaching, mentoring, and promoting wellness for patients seeking proven results without the reliance (and costs) associated with pharmaceuticals. He has been offering services in […]