Happiness Here & Now -25 Mindfulness is here and now

Every Saturday at 8.00 am MST/ 11.00 am EST/8.30 pm India Happiness is here and now Happiness Here and Now is talk from the greatest master Astavakra. It is step by step understanding or simply understanding in open session helps achieve the highest meditative state. The teaching is free from yoga, mantra, tantra, meditation , […]

Happiness Here & Now -24 real self is inside and outside as mirror exists with or without images

The channel is all about Eastern Wisdom. Eastern Wisdom is an instrument of knowledge that aims at self-discovery, i.e., awakening, realization, and transformation. Eastern Wisdom includes yoga, tantra, meditation, mindfulness, mantra, kundalini; all follow the same principles, but different practices customized for other people. Every practice given by teachers all around the world is based […]

Gita –1 Introduction know thyself by thyself by becoming a seeker

Gita in daily life for peace, harmony, and happiness How to transform your life by learning principles, practices from Gita. The source and the inspiration Eastern wisdom 6000 years an old tradition supported by 3000 teachers and texts. The goal of eastern wisdom is to discover the true nature to end stress, suffering and awaken […]

Lesson-4 main teachings of Upanishads

The channel is all about Eastern Wisdom. Eastern Wisdom is an instrument of knowledge that aims at self-discovery, i.e., awakening, realization, and transformation. Eastern Wisdom includes yoga, tantra, meditation, mindfulness, mantra, kundalini; all follow the same principles, but different practices customized for other people. Every practice given by teachers all around the world is based […]

Lesson-3 origin of Upanishads – the ultimate knowledge of reality

The channel is all about Eastern Wisdom. Eastern Wisdom is an instrument of knowledge that aims at self-discovery, i.e., awakening, realization, and transformation. Eastern Wisdom includes yoga, tantra, meditation, mindfulness, mantra, kundalini; all follow the same principles, but different practices customized for other people. Every practice given by teachers all around the world is based […]

01.31.21 lesson-3 four fundamentals of eastern wisdom

The channel is all about Eastern Wisdom. Eastern Wisdom is an instrument of knowledge that aims at self-discovery, i.e., awakening, realization, and transformation. Eastern Wisdom includes yoga, tantra, meditation, mindfulness, mantra, kundalini; all follow the same principles, but different practices customized for other people. Every practice given by teachers all around the world is based […]

Yoga Sutra-1 Introduction

Study Patanjali to rediscover the real you Mindfulness is right meditation aims at the discovery of our true nature. Start with basics 1. Eastern wisdom aims at the discovery of our true nature –self. 2. Ignorance (incomplete knowledge) vs. wisdom (right knowledge). 3. Wrong vs. right notion – who am I, the universe, existence, and […]