04.21.21 साधन में 9 बाधक हे, ज्ञान और समझ से दूर करें व्याधि- स्त्यान

The channel is all about Eastern Wisdom. Eastern Wisdom is an instrument of knowledge that aims at self-discovery, i.e., awakening, realization, and transformation. Eastern Wisdom includes yoga, tantra, meditation, mindfulness, mantra, kundalini; all follow the same principles, but different practices customized for other people. Every practice given by teachers all around the world is based […]

04.07.21 साधना में नौ बाधक जाने, समझे और दूर करें -1

The channel is all about Eastern Wisdom. Eastern Wisdom is an instrument of knowledge that aims at self-discovery, i.e., awakening, realization, and transformation. Eastern Wisdom includes yoga, tantra, meditation, mindfulness, mantra, kundalini; all follow the same principles, but different practices customized for other people. Every practice given by teachers all around the world is based […]

ध्यान की सफलता ज्ञान और अभ्यास से मिलती हे

The channel is all about Eastern Wisdom. Eastern Wisdom is an instrument of knowledge that aims at self-discovery, i.e., awakening, realization, and transformation. Eastern Wisdom includes yoga, tantra, meditation, mindfulness, mantra, kundalini; all follow the same principles, but different practices customized for other people. Every practice given by teachers all around the world is based […]

साधना क्या हे, यह क्यों आम ज्ञान से भिन्न हे , पहले समझे

The channel is all about Eastern Wisdom. Eastern Wisdom is an instrument of knowledge that aims at self-discovery, i.e., awakening, realization, and transformation. Eastern Wisdom includes yoga, tantra, meditation, mindfulness, mantra, kundalini; all follow the same principles, but different practices customized for other people. Every practice given by teachers all around the world is based […]

साधना समझ के करें, तो जीवन में परिवर्तन आएगा

The channel is all about Eastern Wisdom. Eastern Wisdom is an instrument of knowledge that aims at self-discovery, i.e., awakening, realization, and transformation. Eastern Wisdom includes yoga, tantra, meditation, mindfulness, mantra, kundalini; all follow the same principles, but different practices customized for other people. Every practice given by teachers all around the world is based […]

03.03.21 साधना के मर्म को समझे, फिर साधना में लगे रहे

The channel is all about Eastern Wisdom. Eastern Wisdom is an instrument of knowledge that aims at self-discovery, i.e., awakening, realization, and transformation. Eastern Wisdom includes yoga, tantra, meditation, mindfulness, mantra, kundalini; all follow the same principles, but different practices customized for other people. Every practice given by teachers all around the world is based […]

चलो जीवन में आनंद की खोज करें, हम स्वयं आनंद हे

The channel is all about Eastern Wisdom. Eastern Wisdom is an instrument of knowledge that aims at self-discovery, i.e., awakening, realization, and transformation. Eastern Wisdom includes yoga, tantra, meditation, mindfulness, mantra, kundalini; all follow the same principles, but different practices customized for other people. Every practice given by teachers all around the world is based […]

पाप और पुण्य को समझे और साधना में लगे रहे

The channel is all about Eastern Wisdom. Eastern Wisdom is an instrument of knowledge that aims at self-discovery, i.e., awakening, realization, and transformation. Eastern Wisdom includes yoga, tantra, meditation, mindfulness, mantra, kundalini; all follow the same principles, but different practices customized for other people. Every practice given by teachers all around the world is based […]

पाप और पुण्य को समझे और साधना में लगे रहे

The channel is all about Eastern Wisdom. Eastern Wisdom is an instrument of knowledge that aims at self-discovery, i.e., awakening, realization, and transformation. Eastern Wisdom includes yoga, tantra, meditation, mindfulness, mantra, kundalini; all follow the same principles, but different practices customized for other people. Every practice given by teachers all around the world is based […]

ध्यान साधना सरल हे यदि हम साधक हे

The channel is all about Eastern Wisdom. Eastern Wisdom is an instrument of knowledge that aims at self-discovery, i.e., awakening, realization, and transformation. Eastern Wisdom includes yoga, tantra, meditation, mindfulness, mantra, kundalini; all follow the same principles, but different practices customized for other people. Every practice given by teachers all around the world is based […]