Layman’s guide to Relaxation

Layman’s guide to Relaxation, Resilience and Mindfulness

Layman’s guide to Relaxation, Resilience, and Mindfulness


The #mindfulness is easy and simple when we study the principles of eastern wisdom to study our real nature. The second step is to reflect and remove doubts of the mind. The third step is a regular practice to awaken to inner peace and happiness. The eastern wisdom is 6000 years old became a tradition with 3000 teachers and texts. Every master followed the same principles but customized the practices that suit their students.

The #easternwisdom aims at the discovery of our true nature of subjective reality or real-self.  The real-self is pure consciousness full of truth, wisdom, happiness, and love. When we move from false to right perception of who we truly are, we discover and experience inner #peace, #happiness, #compassion, and #wisdom.

We follow the eastern wisdom to help people

  • Manage their pain (stress, anxiety, professional, physical, and personal challenges)
  • Achieve #well-being and
  • Discover inner peace and happiness

The program/course

This program is simple and easy:

  • It is free from religion, cult, dogma, and belief.
  • Because it is effortless, you can start any day when it is scheduled or ask for a private session (at to help manage specific challenges).
  • You can join with the members of your family ( options – in-person/ online/ group)
  • Every session opens with a brief talk on the applied principles of eastern wisdom that helps find answers to burning questions and problems of anxiety, stress, and suffering at home and workplace.

The unique approach as taught in eastern wisdom

  • Every session is unique and complete in itself as it includes one or more principles of the eastern wisdom aims at addressing problems of modern life.
  • You receive customized practice in every session based on the principles of eastern wisdom.
  • Tips for home practice explained ( digital delivery of audio file for students enroll for a private session)
  • #Self-assessment tool, sharing of experiences and resolving the barriers in practice
  • Move from #relaxation to #resilience to #mindfulness.

Why should YOU attend this program?

  • Learn simple and easy steps to relax within a few minutes
  • Empower, give your brain, and mind downtime for peace and happiness
  • Help improve well-being, manage anxiety and fatigue at the workplace and home
  • Join with members of the family including children
  • Remove the mental and emotional blocks.

How we do it?

  • Introduce the applied philosophy of eastern wisdom that answers the burning questions in life
  • #guided customized practice in every session to learn, educate, and empower.
  • Sharing of experiences, tips for home practice

An invitation to celebrate

Make your life a celebration of peace and happiness. We invite you to write to us at for Free Consultation for 15 minutes online.

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