Girish Jha on Mindfulness and Eastern Wisdom.

Girish Jha, what can you tell us about snippets of your life journey that impacted you the most?

Girish Jha – mentor, teacher and guide – shares some of his worldly insights with MysticMag and reveals his approach to holistic healing and well-being following the Eastern wisdom approach and philosophy.

It is the applied philosophy that is realized of Eastern wisdom in my day to day living. It helps me with my personal, professional and social excellence. Eastern wisdom is very simple, we start our journey with peace and happiness which is our essential nature. I never discuss my somewhat difficult early years in India because it serves me no purpose.
Since I was introduced to Eastern Wisdom, my life changed course, and therefore the lives of hundreds of thousands of others too, through my coaching and mentoring. This for me has impacted my life the most – how people have changed and released their stress and grief from their lives. Even people I worked with twenty or forty years ago are still in contact with me and continue to refer people to me for coaching.


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